Conversion of Infix to Postfix Notation lab program
#include<stdio.h> #include<ctype.h> char stack[20]; int top = -1; void push(char); char pop(); int precedence(char); int main() { char infix[20],postfix[20]; int i,j=0; printf("Enter an Infix expression:-\t"); gets(infix); for (i = 0 ; infix[i] != '\0' ; i++) { if(isalnum(infix[i])) { postfix[j] = infix[i]; j++; } else if(infix[i] == '(') push(infix[i]); else if(infix[i] == ')') { while(stack[top] != '(') { postfix[j] = pop(); j++; } pop(); } else { while((top != -1 && stack[top] != '(') && (precedence(stack[top]) >= precedence(infix[i]))) { postfix[j] = pop(); j++; } push(infix[i]); } } while(top != -1) { postfix[j] = pop(); j++; } postfix[j] = '\0'; printf("PostFix Expression = %s\n",postfix); return 0; } void push(char c) { top++; stack[top] = c; } char pop...