
                                    STACKS and QUEUES



Unit-II: Stacks and Queues

Stacks: The Stack: Definition, operations, implementation using arrays, linked list and

Stack applications: Infix to postfix expression conversion, Evaluation of Postfix expressions, balancing the symbols.

Queue: definition, operations, implementation using arrays, linked list&it’sApplications.

Circular queue: Definition &its operations, implementation, Dequeue: definition & its types, implementation.

Learning Material

Stack is a linear data structure.

Stack can be defined as a collection of homogeneous elements, where insertion and deletion operations takes place at only one end called TOP.

The insertion operation is termed as PUSH and deletion operation is termed as POP operation.

The PUSH and POP operations are performed at TOP of the stack. An element in a stack is termed as ELEMENT.

The maximum number of elements that stack can accommodate is termed as SIZE of the stack.

Stack Pointer ( SP ) always points to the top element of the stack.

Stack follows LIFO principle. i.e. Last In First Out i.e. the element which is inserted last into the stack will be deleted first from the stack.


Diagram of a stack












Stack Operations:-


We can perform mainly 3operations on stack.


1.Push :- Inserting an element into the stack

2.Pop:- Deleting an element from    the stack

3.Peek:- Displaying top most element of the stack.


Representation of stack

There are two ways of representation of a stack.

1.     Array representation of a stack.

2.     Linked List representation of a stack.




In the computer’s memory, stacks can be represented as a linear array. Every stack has a variable called TOP associated with it, which is used to store the address of the topmost element of the stack.

It is this position where the element will be added to or deleted from.

There is another variable called SIZE, which is used to store the maximum number of elements that the stack can hold. If TOP = NULL, then it indicates that the stack is empty and if  TOP = SIZE–1, then the stack is full.

 (You must be wondering why we have written SIZE–1. It is because array indices start from 0.)




The stack in Fig. shows that TOP = 4, so insertions and deletions will be done at this position. In the above stack, five more elements can still be stored.




A stack supports three basic operations: push, pop, and peek.

The push operation adds an element to the top of the stack and the pop operation removes the element from the top of the stack.

 The peek operation returns the value of the topmost element of the stack.



· The push operation is used to insert an element into the stack. The new element is added at the topmost position of the stack.

 · However, before inserting the value, we must first check if TOP=SIZE–1, because if that is the case, then the stack is full and no more insertions can be done. If an attempt is made to insert a value in a stack that is already full, an OVERFLOW message is printed.


· To insert an element with value 6, we first check if TOP=SIZE–1. If the condition is false, then we increment the value of TOP and store the new element at the position given by stack[TOP]. Thus, the updated stack becomes as shown in




Input: element is new element to push into stack

Output: pushing new element into stack at top whenever stack is not full.

 Step 1: if (top= = size-1)


Goto Step 4 [END OF if]

Step 2: SET top = top + +

Step 3: SET stack [top] = element

Step 4: END




· The pop operation is used to delete the topmost element from the stack. However, before deleting the value, we must first check if  top=-1 because if that is the case, then it means the stack is empty and no more deletions can be done. If an attempt is made to delete a value from a stack that is already empty, an UNDERFLOW message is printed.


To delete the topmost element, we first check if top=-1. If the condition is false, then we decrement the value pointed by top. Thus, the updated stack becomes as shown in Fig.










Algorithm Stack_POP( ):

Input: Stack with some elements.

Output: Element deleted at top most end.

Step 1: if(top ==-1)

Print stack is empty not possible to pop

              Step 2: else



print deleted element

      End Stack_POP




C Program to implement Stack using Arrays:



void push();

void pop();

void peek();

void display();

# define size 5

int arr[size];

int top = -1;

int main()


          int n;

          printf("Stack Menu:-\n\n1.Push\n2.Pop\n3.Peek\n4.Display\n5.Exit\n\n");



                      printf("Enter your choice\t");




                                  case 1: push(); break;

                                  case 2: pop(); break;

                                  case 3: peek(); break;

                                  case 4: display(); break;

                                  case 5: exit(1);

                                  default: printf("Please enter a valid choice\n");



          return 0;


void push()


          if(top == size-1)

                      printf("Overflow Occured\n");



                      int n;

                      printf("Enter value:\t");



                      arr[top] = n;



void pop()


          if(top == -1)

                      printf("Underflow Occured\n");



                      printf("Element %d is deleted\n",arr[top]);




void peek()


          if(top == -1)

                      printf("Stack is Empty\n");


                      printf("Top element is %d\n",arr[top]);



void display()


          if(top == -1)

                      printf("Empty stack - No elements to display\n");



                      int i;

                      for(i = top;i>=0;i--)

                                  printf("%d ",arr[i]);







· To insert an element with value 9, we first check if TOP=NULL. If this is the case, then we allocate memory for a new node, store the value in its DATA part and NULL in its LINK part. The new node will then be called TOP. However, if TOP!=NULL, then we insert the new node at the beginning of the linked stack and name this new node as TOP

STEP 1: allot a memory for NEW NODE and its named as temp           

            temp->link = NULL;

            Step 2: if(top == NULL)

             top = temp

              Step 3: else

               temp->link = top

               top = temp;

            Step 4:End




Stack Intial Condition:

     Initial condition of stack implemented using arrays is top=-1


Stack Full condition or overflow condition

Trying to PUSH an item into full stack is known Stack overflow.

Stack overflow condition is top = = ARRAYSIZE - 1


Stack underflow or Empty condition

Trying to POP an item from empty stack is known as Stack underflow. Stack underflow condition is top = = -1





























Algorithm Stack_PUSH(item)

Input: element is new element to push into stack

Output: pushing new element into stack at top whenever stack is not full.

If (top == ARRAYSIZE-1)

             print(stack is full, not possible to perform push operation)



            read element



End Stack_PUSH



Algorithm Stack_POP( ):

Input: Stack with some elements.

Output: Element deleted at top most end.

Step 1: if(top ==-1)

Print stack is empty not possible to pop

             Step 2: else

a)   element=stack[top]

b)    top=top--

                   print deleted item.


End Stack_POP











Linked List representation of a stack:

·       The array representation of stack allows only fixed size of stack. i.e. static memory allocation only.

·       To overcome the static memory allocation problem, linked list representation of stack is preferred.

·       In linked list representation of stack, each node has two parts. One is data field is for the item and link field points to next node.

·       Empty stack condition is

top = = NULL

·       Full condition is not applicable for Linked List representation of stack. Because            here memory is dynamically allocated.

·       In linked List representation of stack, top pointer always points to top most node only. i.e. first node in the list.




C program to implement Stacks using Linked List:-



struct node


          int data;

          struct node *link;

}*top = NULL;

void push();

void pop();

void peek();

void display();

int main()


          int n;

          printf("Stack Menu:-\n\n1.Push\n2.Pop\n3.Peek\n4.Display\n5.Exit\n\n");



                      printf("Enter your choice\t");




                                  case 1: push(); break;

                                  case 2: pop(); break;

                                  case 3: peek(); break;

                                  case 4: display(); break;

                                  case 5: exit(1);

                                  default: printf("Please enter a valid choice\n");   



          return 0;


void push()


          int n;

          struct node *temp;

          temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

          printf("Enter value\t");


          temp->data = n;

          temp->link = NULL;

          if(top == NULL)

                      top = temp;



                      temp->link = top;

                      top = temp;



void pop()


          if(top == NULL)

                      printf("Underflow - No elements to delete\n");



                      printf("Top element %d is deleted\n",top->data);

                      top = top->link;



void peek()


          if(top == NULL)

                      printf("Empty Stack\n");


                      printf("Top element = %d\n",top->data);


void display()


          if(top == NULL)

                      printf("No elements to display\n");



                      struct node *temp=top;

                      for (temp = top ; temp != NULL ; temp = temp->link)

                                  printf("%d  ",temp->data);





Arithmetic Expressions or Algebraic Expressions:-


An expression is a combination of operands and operators.

Eg.       c= a + b


In the above expression a, b, c are operands and +, = are called as operators. We have 3 notations for the expressions.

i.                Infix notation

ii.                Prefix notation

iii.                Postfix notation

Infix notation:

Here operator is present between two operands. eg. a + b

The format for Infix notation as follows

<operand 1> <operator> <operand 2>


Prefix notation: Here operator is present before two operands.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          eg. + a b

The format for Prefix notation as follows <operator> <operand 1> <operand 2>


Postfix notation: Here operator is present after two operands

                             eg. a b +


The format for Postfix notation as follows

<operand 1> <operand 2> <operator>



Applications of stacks:


1.     Infix to postfix conversion

2.     Evaluation of postfix expression

3.     Balancing symbols or delimiter matching




1.     Infix to postfix conversion:


While conversion of infix expression to postfix expression, we must follow the precedence (priority) of the operators.


Operator                    priority


(                                   0

+ -                              1

* / %                            2

^ or $ (highest)            3


To convert an infix expression to postfix expression, we can use one stack.

Within the stack, we place only operators and left parenthesis only. So stack used in conversion of infix expression to postfix expression is called as operator stack.


Algorithm Conversion of infix to postfix     :


      Input: Infix expression.

Output: Postfix expression.


1.  Perform the following steps while reading of infix expression is not over

a)   if symbol is left parenthesis then push symbol into stack.

b)    if symbol is operand then add symbol to post fix expression.

c)   if symbol is operator then check stack is empty or not.

i)   if stack is empty then push the operator into stack.

ii)    if stack is not empty then check priority of the operators.

(I)    if priority of current operator > priority of operator present at top of stack then push operator into stack.

(II)      else if priority of operator present at top of stack >= priority of current operator then pop the operator present at top of stack and add popped operator to postfix expression (go to step I)

d)    if symbol is right parenthesis then pop every element form stack up corresponding left parenthesis and add the poped elements to postfix expression.

2.After completion of reading infix expression, if stack not empty then pop all the items from stack and then add to post fix expression.

End conversion of infix to postfix.









Infix Expression: A+ (B*C-(D/E^F)*G)*H, where ^ is an exponential operator



C Program to convert Infix to Postfix Expression:-




char stack[20];

int top = -1;

void push(char);

char pop();

int precedence(char);

int main()


          char infix[20],postfix[20];

          int i,j=0;

          printf("Enter an Infix expression:-\t");


          for (i =0; infix[i] != '\0' ; i++)




                                  postfix[j] = infix[i];



                      else if(infix[i] == '(')


                      else if(infix[i] == ')')


                                  while(stack[top] != '(')


                                              postfix[j] = pop();







while((top!=-1&&stack[top]!='(')&&(precedence(stack[top])>= precedence(infix[i])))








          while(top != -1)


                      postfix[j] = pop();




          printf("PostFix Expression = %s\n",postfix);

          return 0;


void push(char c)



          stack[top] = c;


char pop()


          char c;

          c = stack[top];


          return c;


int precedence(char c)




                      case '+':

                      case '-': return 1;

                      case '*':

                      case '/': return 2;



2.Evaluation of postfix expression:

·       To evaluate a postfix expression we use one stack.

·       For Evaluation of postfix expression, in the stack we can store only operand. So stack used in Evaluation of postfix expression is called as operand stack.

·       Algorithm for Postfix Expression Evaluation:  

            Input: Postfix expression

            Output: Result of Expression

1.  Repeat the following steps while reading the postfix expression.

a)   if the read symbol is operand, then push the symbol into stack.

b)    if the read symbol is operator then pop the top most two items of the stack and apply the operator on them, and then push back the result to the stack.

2.  Finally stack has only one item, after completion of reading the postfix expression. That item is the result of expression.

            End PostfixExpressionEvaluation





Evaluate below postfix expression 234+*6-

C Program to evaluate Postfix Expression:-





int a[20];

int top = -1;

void push(int);

int pop();

int main()


          char stack[20];

          int i,a,b;

          printf("Enter Postfix Expression\t");


          for (i=0; stack[i]!='\0'; i++)








                                  a = pop();

                                  b = pop();



                                              case '+': push(b+a); break;

                                              case '-': push(b-a); break;

                                              case '*': push(b*a); break;

                                              case '/': push(b/a); break;

                                              case '%': push(b%a); break;

                                              default: printf("Invalid expression\n");





          int res = pop();

          if(top == -1)

                      printf("Result = %d\n",res);


                      printf("Invalid expression\n");

          return 0;


void push(int n)



          a[top] = n;


int pop()


          int n;

          n = a[top];


          return n;



                      3.Balancing Symbols  or Delimiter matching :-


The objective of this application is to check the symbols such as parenthesis ( ) , braces {                                                                                                                                                   }

, brackets [ ] are matched or not.


Thus every left parenthesis, brace and bracket must have its right counterpart.


Algorithm for Balancing Symbols or Delimiter matching :-


1.     Make an empty stack.


2.     Read an expression from left to right.


3.     If the reading character is opening symbol, then push it into stack.


4.     If the reading character is closing symbol and if the stack is empty, then report as unbalanced expression.

5.     If the reading character is closing symbol and if the stack is not empty, then pop the stack.

6.     If the symbol popped is not the corresponding opening symbol, then report as unbalanced expression.

7.     After processing the entire expression and if the stack is not empty then report as unbalanced expression.

8.     After processing the entire expression and if the stack is empty then report as balanced expression.

C program to implement balancing symbols or delimiter matching:-


char a[100];

int top = -1;

void push(char);

void pop();

int main()


          int i,flag = 0;

          char stack[100];

          printf("Enter an Equation\t");


          for (i = 0 ; stack[i] != '\0' ;i++)


          if(stack[i] == '(' || stack[i] == '{' || stack[i] == '[')


                      if(stack[i] == ')')


                                  if(a[top] == '(')




                                               flag = 1;




                      if(stack[i] == '}')


                                  if(a[top] == '{')




                                              flag = 1;




                      if(stack[i] == ']')


                                  if(a[top] == '[')




                                              flag = 1;





          if(top == -1 && flag == 0)


          else if(top != -1 || flag == 1)



void push(char c)



          a[top] = c;


void pop()





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